Friday, April 1, 2011

Everything's in place

The warmth of her hug.

The scent of ground spices.

Wisps of unruly hair,

Over her radiant face.

Ever loving, ever giving.

Dutiful wife, devoted mother.

“A place for everything

Everything’s in place...”

A motto of life

Lived happily and well.

A journey ends.

The pain’s no more...

From heaven above, she smiles once more.

“Be good children!”

A deep chasm of pain.

Myriad memories.

Clouding out the ache.

“Rest in peace.”

A place for everything...

Everything’s in place.

(Dedicated to the loving memory of my aunt)


Kaushik said...

rest in peace aunt...

Joe Pinto said...

Welcome back, Gargi.

I was looking for your blog. Happy to see you back.

Peace and love
- Joe.